Thinking about specifying polished concrete on your next project? Or maybe you've already specified Terrazzo or...dare I say...carpet, it may be time to take a second look at that spec. Cleanliness issues aside ( read about how friendly polish is to the janitor and your sines here) polish concrete can also save big dollars on your project. A quality polish concrete system such as Retroplate has the lowest life cycle per square foot cost of any floor covering or coating. While carpet comes at a cost of $17.20-$20.00 per square foot for the lifecycle, Retroplate will cost $4.00 to $6.00 per square foot over it's lifecycle which will be much longer than any carpet. Thinking terrazzo? That will cost your client in the neighbourhood of $19.00 a square foot over it's lifecycle. Betting linoleum, porcelain tile, VCT, and acrylic; floors polished with the Retroplate system will bring cost effective life long beauty...something that will keep any client happy and coming back to you for their next build.
Of course some situations will call for a coating or other solution. Protec Solutions is available now to guide you and your client to find the perfect solution for your project.