
How slip resistant is Polished Concrete?

Polished concrete floors are quickly becoming the must have finish in industrial, commercial, retail and even residential spaces. It’s no wonder with a cost effective smooth as glass finish that looks good and offers the best in protection. So it looks good, but is it safe?

The polished concrete glossy mirror like finish gives a slippery appearance only. In reality they are completely safe to walk and work on when kept clean and dry. In fact, the right finish will make polished concrete less slippery than waxed linoleum or polished marble.

However any floor finish can become a slip and fall hazard in high traffic areas if proper preventions aren’t taken. For the safest results possible be sure to follow these tips:

    Keep polished floors free of oil, grease and standing water. Follow a routine maintenance program, and clean spills and stains from the floor as soon as possible.

    Apply an anti-slip conditioner. These products contain special additives designed to improve traction and make wet surfaces safer. They must be reapplied periodically, but they can simply be mopped on during routine cleaning.

    Have Protec Solutions apply a sealer coat to polished concrete that contains an anti-slip grit additive. These products are simply mixed into the sealer before applying to increase traction without taking away from the appearance of the polished surface.